I can’t remember when and why I decided to write my own router for reactJS. I want to share my code with you:

1 - Map url to component

url_regex cannot be used as key directly; so I use arbitrary name as key.

const routes = {
  hello_stranger: {
    url_regex: /\/hello\//,
    component: (props) => <div>hello stranger!</div>,
  hello: {
    url_regex: /\/hello\/\?name=(?<user_name>.*)/,
    component: (props) => <div>hello {props.user_name}</div>,
  book: {
    url_regex: /\/books\/(?<book_id>\d*)\//,
    component: (props) => <Book {...props} />,
  books: { url_regex: /\/books\//, component: (props) => <Books {...props} /> },
  home: { url_regex: /\/$/, component: (props) => <Home {...props} /> },
  not_matched: { url_regex: /.*/, component: (props) => <div>Not Found!</div> },

2 - Match url and find route’s name and route’s props

Use regex match group for props.

function processed_url(url) {
  let route_name = "not_matched";
  let route_props = {};
  for (let name in routes) {
    let match_result = url.match(routes[name].url_regex);
    if (match_result) {
      route_name = name;
      route_props = match_result.groups;
  console.log("route matched", route_name, route_props);
  return [route_name, route_props];

3 - Navigate and store props

Navigate without page refreshes. Also store route’s props in order to pass it to the component.

export function navigate(url) {
  const [name, props] = processed_url(url);
  window.history.replaceState({}, name, url);
  store.dispatch(setRouteAction({ name, props }));

4 - Render the component

Call navigate for the first time in order to set route’s name and route’s props. Also you can call navigate anywhere in your code and enjoy!

function Routes() {
  useEffect(() => {
    navigate(window.location.pathname + window.location.search);
  }, []);
  const routerState = useSelector((state) => state.router);
  return (

export default Routes;